Still Life with Fish

Nicholas Vasilieff (1892-1970)
Oil on canvas board
Circa: 1945
Size: 24” x 34”
From his 1970 NYT obituary, “Mr. Vasilieff, born in Moscow, called himself a member of the left‐wing, post‐expressionist school of painting, and he often denounced the current preoccupation with total abstraction. He studied at the Moscow Academy of Fine Arts and received the first prize and a gold medal on his graduation.

For some years he occupied a studio in Union Square. As the area became more and more commercial he moved to Lanesboro, Massachusetts, occupying a 100‐ year‐old farm house where he had spent his summers for 15 years. Mr. Vasilieff once was characterized by Howard Devree, an art critic for The New York. Times, as “more likely to find immediate favor with artists than with the general public.”

His paintings hang in many of the world's leading art museums, including the Corcoran and the National in Washington, Yale, the University of Illinois and in Tel Aviv, and—not far from his home in Lanesboro —at the Berkshire Museum in Pittsfield."


Condition: Excellent. Original artist frame.

Price: $8,800.00