An excellent, early work by Outsider Artist Melvin Way. I love Way's work when it looks a bit like matzo!
The Outsider Artist Melvin Way suffers from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and diabetes.
Way has stated, “All my works have to go thru emissions, baptisms, and transmigrations before I release them into the stratosphere, I carry 500 drawings at a time in my raincoat, and they go thru rain sleet and snow, sometimes staying in my pocket for 6 months at a time.”
Art critic Jerry Salz says of Way’s work, “[He is] a mystic visionary of the greatest living American artists. Melvin Way makes knotted diagrams of numbers, letters, lines, and arrows that look like alchemical equations.”
Condition: Excellent. Expected wear from age. Archivally float mounted within a wood frame and Museum acrylic.