Indian With Elaborate Headdress Carved Wooden Pipe

Dated: 1898
Size: 6 1/2" (h) x 3 1/2" (d) x 2 1/8" (w)
Large American folk art pipe with extensive carved, punched and pyrographic designs in the form of an American Indian wearing an eloborate headdress. The headband is carved from left to right, "IND • SOS • DNI" (the right side being a mirror of the left). Numerous stars, cresent moons are punched all over as well as traditional fraternal symbols (compass, linked chain). Possibly carved for an Improved Order of the Red Men lodge.

The carving is illegibly signed and dated (1898) twice on the back. Another carving by the same hand is known and shown above (last two slides). That carving is a full indian figure with similar facial features and has many of the same carved, punched and pyrographic details and symbols.

Condition: Excellent with finely alligatored, original shellac. Custom mounted.

Price: SOLD